工芸ブランドの中から BLACK color を集めたライフスタイルブランド「#000 BLACK KIGEI」の加賀象嵌のヘアゴム(笠松 加葉 作)
Kaga inlay hair ties were created using the Kaga inlay technique.
Using traditional techniques to process metal and carve out radial patterns, a single piece of copper creates an expressive design.
Only by carving one metal and filling it with another metal, which is a characteristic of Kaga Zogan, delicate and detailed expressions are achieved. Normally, different types of metals are filled in to create patterns using different colors, but this time, we deliberately filled in the same metal (copper) to create a simple and unique texture. The dotted lines visible on the surface are expressed using a technique called Nanakozogan, which involves digging a hole in the copper and filling it with copper.
In addition, the entire copper is blackened to give it a solid feel. It gives off a gorgeous shine even in black.
This hair tie is designed to be used for a long period of time, and the elastic part is designed to be freely replaceable. When the rubber deteriorates, you can remove it from the jump ring and install a new one.
The technique dates back to the 16th century when Kaga Maeda family invited artisans from Kyoto.
Having evolved into a uniquely Kaga style, the technique is now recognized by Ishikawa Prefecture as one of its precious traditional crafts. By curving the surface of metal and therein laying other metallic materials, delicate patterns are drawn. One of the distinguishing features of Kaga Zogan today is its copious use of traditional and uniquely Japanese copper alloys known as irogane, mainly via techniques called flat inlay and armor-like (i.e., layered) inlay.
1999年 現人間国宝 中川衛氏に出会い加賀象嵌の道を志す。
2004年 金沢美術工芸大学 美術工芸研究科 修士課程 修了。2010〜2011年 (公財)宗桂会運営 月浦工房 所属。
2015年 卯辰山工芸工房 修了。
金沢市 (公財)宗桂会共同運営「加賀象嵌・彫金専門塾」講師。
日本の伝統工芸ブランドの中から黒(BLACK color)を集め再編集したライフスタイルブランド #000 BLACK KOGEI。
黒の中でも具象的な柄や模様などを極力省いたシンプルで洗練された工芸品群。 柄や色の情報を少なくする事で素の良さや、フォルムの美しさ、練り上げられた技の妙技に自然と感覚が集中する。そこに洗練という感覚が生まれる。 その先に工芸の本質を想像し見出す体験ができるのではないか・・・。